Board Exam Preparation Tips students have to avoid common mistakes CBSE CISCE UP Board

Board Exam Preparation Tips students have to avoid common mistakes CBSE CISCE UP Board

The 10th and 12th class board exams of many boards are nearing. In which a large number of students will participate. Students can achieve good marks by removing some of the mistakes mentioned here. Students also become victims of stress during board exams. Students can score good marks in the examination by adopting the methods mentioned here.

It is very important for a student to get adequate sleep during board exams. Its deficiency reduces concentration and increases the possibility of making mistakes. Students must take at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the examination. Students should not rush in the examination. Also read all the questions carefully and then write the answers. If you do not understand any question, leave it and write the answer later.

It is natural to feel nervous during board exams, however students should try to avoid it. According to experts, nervousness reduces concentration and also affects memory. If students feel like this, then taking deep breaths and meditating can reduce the nervousness. Students should manage their time properly regarding board exams. Give equal time to all questions. If any question is taking too much time then leave it and write its answer later.

Keep these things in mind

If you do not know the answer to any question then leave it. Writing wrong answers can waste your time. Students should check the admit card, pen, pencil, eraser etc. before going for the exam. Students should avoid arriving late for the exam. Students should be confident about the examination. However, excess of it may cause you problems. If you have prepared well then you will definitely perform well. Students should not try to cheat in exams at all. If you are caught cheating, you may be prevented from taking the exam. This is why you should never do this.

Also read- If you do this while preparing for the board exam, your score is sure to be above 90 percent! make quick notes

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